WEB Deck™
Expanding Possibilities

WEB Deck™ Solutions
The Rapid and Safe Access Solution for Maintenance and Refurbishment Projects
WEB Deck™ provides rapid access for maintenance or refurbishment teams to carry out their projects with maximum safety & productivity when working at height.
Typical deployments of WEB Deck™ would include the underside of bridges, jetties, pipe racks, conveyor systems and associated infrastructure.
It is a simple, modular, lightweight, and strong design that allows for rapid installation and dismantling. It features a patented hook and clasp system, which secures each WEB Deck™ unit to a tensioned wire rope or steel truss system.
WEB Deck™ provides the ideal Hybrid system with FAST Beam for complete access solution when suspended directly underside FAST-BEAM Platforms.
WEB-Deck System is a fully engineered product featuring lightweight technology. It is the perfect solution for bridges, piers, large underdeck areas (stadiums), helidecks, pipe racks and jetties.
The design is simple, lightweight and strong. Our Decking features a unique patented system which anchors to tensioned catenary wire or suspended trusses attached to the overhead anchors supported by chains.
WEB Deck™ Systems is fully compliant with PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations) 1998 as a temporary work platform. Because of the systems simplicity, installation and dismantling is fast. Once installed the system causes no obstruction to the surrounding areas and can be in-situ
for long periods of time.
To ensure world class safety, our suspended decking is only installed using qualified Rope Access Technicians, specifically trained as Decking Installers – All training is carried within house by certified decking installers.

WEB Deck™ Benefits
- Fast Installation:
Up to 270m 2 of jetty under-deck access installed in one shift
- Safe:
Working at height techniques utilised to install WEB Deck™ reduces exposure time to working at height
- Low Cost:
Efficient installation leads to lower labour cost and lower total access cost
- Low Self-Weight:
Lightweight at 20 kg/m2
- Full Containment:
Compatible with and can include side containment and/or full encapsulation
- Tidal:
WEB Deck™- Grated aluminium finish for tidal conditions
- Dimensions – (1m, 2m or 3m) x 600mm
- Uniform Distributed Load (UDL) – 2.5kN/m2
- Factor of Safety (FOS) – 4:1
- Aluminium construction
- 5mm Aluminium chequer plate finish
- Patented hook and clasp system
- Side containment net or handrail compatible

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